JULIE MOTA : Founder and Operating Director, Twelve Strong.


Twelve Strong provides athletes with high-level professional training and a specialized focus on Volleyball fundamentals and development from beginner to elite competitor.

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11 yrs

of experience


languages spoken


Hi, my name is Julie Mota and I am the founder and operating director of Twelve Strong. I am a former professional athlete and certified multi-disciplinary personal trainer. The past 11 years I have played professionally in some of the most decorated volleyball leagues in eight countries across three different continents. 

My goal in creating Twelve Strong is to provide individuals the highest level of coaching from all facets of my previous experience; utilizing my unique perspective as a world-class coach and athlete. 

In my 11-year professional career, I was fortunate enough to travel abroad and represent teams in France, Chile, Luxembourg, Germany, the Azores in Portugal, Sweden and Austria. I’ve been trained under many different cultures, coaches, fitness trainers, and training philosophies around the world.  In several years, I played a dual role as the head coach and left side hitter in the country’s top league.  I truly know what it takes to instill habits to reach goals you might never have known possible. Starting my career at 25 years old, standing 5 foot 8 inches I was not the typical volleyball player profile that is sought after.  It was through sheer tenacity, struggle and discipline to overcome the odds that I was able to start my career when most players were ending theirs. 

Being able to travel the world and immersing myself in several cultures has been a driving force in creating Twelve Strong.  I was very blessed to work with so many different coaches and athletes and learn the depth of this game.  Additionally, I became fluent in five languages which has been invaluable in the opportunity to communicate and reach athletes internationally.  

Twelve Strong is the catalyst for anyone looking to change their lives. Whether you are starting your health journey, or are the elite athlete or team striving to reach that next level. 

training services


Over her eleven-year professional career, Julie has amassed dozens of athletic milestones, making her an elite volleyball player and prolific athletic trainer.

  • 01
    Best Personal Trainer Simcoe County Readers Choice Award, Canada 2020
  • 02
    Head coach and zone 4 attacker Degerfors Orion Elitserien, Sweden 2017 - 2019
  • 03
    Game MVP 9x Degerfors Orion season 2018 - 2019
  • 04
    Game MVP 8× Degerfors Orion season 2017 - 2018
  • 05
    Head coach and zone 4 attacker Novotel League 1, Luxembourg 2012 - 2014
  • 06
    MVP CHEV Diekirch 2012
  • 07
    OCAA College Champion 2007 - 2008
  • 08
    SIRC-CCAA Academic All Canadian Award 2007
  • 09
    MVP Georgian College Volleyball 2006 - 2007
  • 10
    OCAA First Team All-Star 2006-2007
contact julie


"You can’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get."
-Michael Phelps


Work with Julie to focus on your overall fitness and continue your journey to becoming a peak athlete. 
Services include:
• 1 on 1 personal training
• 2 on 1 personal training
• Small group private sessions
• Nutrition counselling
• Weight loss consulting
• Meal plans


With more than a decade of worldwide professional experience, Julie is proud to be able to offer elite training for new and seasoned volleyball athletes alike. 
Services include: 
• 1 on 1 personal training
• 2 on 1 personal training
• Small group private sessions
• Fitness for volleyball; increase vertical, explosive power, strength training
• Volleyball camps and clinics
• Team directives
• Mentorship


If you are looking to refine your coaching skills, build your team up, or recruit new athletes, Julie specializes in consulting with coaches and players to improve their game and perform at a higher level. 
Services include: 
• Team or group consulting
• Private coaching for coaches
• Video analysis - teams or individual
• Recruiting players to become pro or go overseas.
• Public speaking


Julie Mota has played volleyball at an elite level all over the world, and now she is ready to pass on her vast knowledge to the next generation of players. See below some testimonials from Julie's long history, and contact her today to start your journey to becoming a better athlete.

Superior Mindset and Attitude

I have known Julie since 2005.  Since then I have coached her, helped her prepare for an 11-year pro volleyball career overseas as both a player and a player/coach, and supported her in all her pursuits. As a volleyball player, her determination and dedication to the team is second to none. When Julie sets a goal for herself, there is nothing to stop her from achieving that goal. Julie brings that superior mindset and attitude to her professional career as a volleyball coach and physical trainer. Regardless of whether you're looking to improve your volleyball skills, get in shape or just improve your general health, once you establish that goal, Julie will guide you, push you to achieve that goal and help you push aside any obstacles that may get in the way of achieving that goal.

Robin Chadwick
• Former varsity player - McMaster University & Sheridan College
• Silver Medalist - Volleyball Canada’s Over 35 National Championships
• Trained Advanced Development Coach - Indoor and Beach
• Former Coach and Vice President - Barrie Elites Volleyball Club
• Assistant Coach - Georgian College Men’s Volleyball
A Dedicated Athlete

Julie is a dedicated athlete / coach / mentor in the sport of volleyball.  I can testify that as a former coach of Julie’s that her dedication to the sport of volleyball is no less than passionate and exemplary in the pursuit of excellence. She not only has demonstrated through her own development, but in the development of athletes that have attended her development sessions. I would recommend Julie, and her Twelve Strong initiative, to any athlete that would like to further develop their skills in the sport, but also their strength in the mental portion of their game.

Brad Graham, ChPC
• Former Head Coach, Georgian College Women’s Volleyball
• Volleyball Canada Coach Developer and Coach Evaluator
• NCCP Learning Facilitator
An Outstanding Trainer

Being a volleyball coach I am always looking for new and more ways to learn and experience the game. I have coached two of my daughters in the past and wanted my youngest daughter to have some additional training to enhance her progress. I was given Julie Mota’s name and was told that she’s a great personal trainer, ex professional volleyball player that offers one on one training. My daughter has been seeing Julie for a couple of years now and her volleyball progress has been outstanding. Since her training with Julie she has been playing with teams and players two years older than her. I couldn’t be more happy, thrilled and thankful that my daughter and I have met and had a chance to train, work with and learn from Julie.

Sean Cochrane
Father of 15U Player
An Incredible Role Model

Julie has been an incredible role model to me. Through  1-on-1 coaching with her, my volleyball skills have improved tremendously, giving me the opportunity to play at a higher level this year. And through her, I have met like-minded volleyball players who have become good friends. You will end up with quads of steel, rocking hitting and passing skills and you will join an amazing volleyball community. Julie is the best!

Keira Sponagle
17u player Championship level OVA team
Ein Besonderer Herzensmensch.

Julie Mota – eine professionelle Volleyballspielerin, eine hervorragende Fitness, Athletik und Volleyballtrainerin, eine ehrgeizige Unternehmerin, ein phänomenales Sprachentalent und ein besonderer Herzensmensch. Es war mir nicht nur eine Freude, sondern Ehre meine Freundin Julie in den oben genannten Funktionen kennenzulernen und mit ihr gemeinsam auf höchstem Niveau Volleyball zu spielen. Ihre große Freude in einem Training und Volleyballspiel ist ansteckend. Ihre motivierenden Worte (auf Englisch, Spanisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, Portugiesisch oder Französisch!) am Spielfeld und außerhalb sind so bereichernd, indem sie ständig fordert und fördert. Ihre konstruktive Art, Herausforderungen anzugehen sind einzigartig. Ihre emotionale Intelligenz und Führungskompetenz sind besonders, zumal sie gleichzeitig Spielerin und Trainerin war. Sie schafft es immer wieder den, für ein Team richtigen Weg, zu finden und gibt niemals auf. Darüber hinaus spürt sie die Energie und trägt enorm dazu bei, dass sich sowohl ein Team als auch einzelne Menschen positiv entwickeln und ihren persönlichen sowie fachlichen Horizont erweitern. „If you never try, you will never know.“ ist ein Lebensmotto. Liebe Julie, du bist eine Inspiration. So schön, dass es dich gibt – du Powerfrau!

Dani Racic
Ehemaliger Erstliniensetzer Degerfors Orion Volleyball, Schweden
Um espírito competitivo e uma capacidade de trabalho.

Tive o prazer de trabalhar com a Julie, na época 2015/2016 no clube desportivo Ribeirense eu no papel de treinador adjunto e a Julie como atleta de posição ponta (z4). Um campeonato bastante competitivo onde a maioria das equipas na primeira divisão nacional (Portugal) mostram grande qualidade em todos os aspectos de jogo e no qual sabíamos que seria um campeonato bastante difícil para nós. A Julie demonstrou na época em que jogou por nós , um espírito competitivo e uma capacidade de trabalho acima da média e que qualquer treinador aprecia num atleta de elite. Diariamente Julie, empenhou se de corpo e alma para ajudar o clube e equipa a atingir os objectivos e como atleta superar se e tornar-se a melhor versão de si mesma. Excelente comunicadora, alegre, trabalhadora e colega de equipa. Nunca desistiu de dar o seu melhor e trabalhar arduamente para melhorar o seu jogo e  contribuir positivamente para o resultado da equipa. Julie Mota por todos os valores que apresentou com atleta e ser humano que é, sem dúvida alguma que irá trazer valor ao voleibol também como treinadora.

Ivan Nunes
• treinador assistente CD Ribeirense Portugal
Una Grande Professionista

Ho giocato una stagione in Svezia insieme a Julie, dove lei ricopriva il ruolo di allenatrice e giocatrice allo stesso tempo.Julie è stata per me un’importantissima amica e compagna di squadra, ma anche un punto di riferimento fondamentale come allenatrice.Julie ha sempre avuto tantissima motivazione e voglia di fare, e con questa sua energia ha trascinato la squadra verso ottimi risultati. Si è sempre mostrata disponibile nei confronti di ognuna di noi e ci ha sostenute in ogni momento.Grazie alla sua esperienza è sempre riuscita ad organizzare allenamenti vari e dinamici, che rendevano ogni incontro sia divertente che molto produttivo.Ha inoltre trasmesso alla squadra la sua grande passione per il fitness organizzando sedute di palestra e corsi vari. Julie si è mostrata essere una grande persona e grande professionista, e consiglierei vivamente a tutti una collaborazione con lei!

Sofia Segantini
• Opposto Degerfors Orion Volleyball
Extremely Knowledgeable and Motivating

Julie is extremely knowledgeable and has an ability breakdown the lessons she learned from her life as a professional athlete and make them relatable to people from all fitness levels. She gives instructions that are specific enough to bring real results, but simple enough to make fitness accessible and fun. Beyond her positive impact of the physical level, she is amazing at building a strong mindset, providing motivation and inspiring me to be the best version of myself. I feel like a better and stronger person after every training, consultation or conversation with her. I highly recommend anyone with the interest in improving their fitness levels to work with her.

Mohammed Maalbaki
• Personal Training Client
Juste extraordinaire!

J’ai eu l’opportunité de pouvoir collaborer avec Julie et je dois dire qu’elle est juste extraordinaire ! Ce petit bout de femme m’a épaté à être aussi professionnelle à rechercher toujours la performance afin de constamment s’améliore pour offrir le meilleur d’elle-même à ses clients! Et tout ça avec passion ❤️🔥 On devrait tous avoir une Julie dans notre business 😅💕

Laetitia Viola
• Gérante Jim’s Fitness Luxembourg
Above and Beyond

Julie went above and beyond preparing my 13 year old daughter (and myself) for tryout season. From answering my numerous questions and apprehensions, reaching out to coaches for feedback and working on everything from basic to more advanced moves, my daughter felt truly prepared, confident and ready to conquer all the tryouts. She came away with four offers and one to the team she wanted most of all. I would strongly recommend Julie to anyone wishing to take their volleyball game up a notch or more!

• Grateful parent of a 14U Girls player - Championship level OVA team, Canada
Hjärtlig, Äkta och aldrig fördömande

Julie Mota i 3 skepnader; 1. Spelaren Julie - tävlingsinriktad ,men där laget går före jaget. Attityd, inställning och total avsaknad av empati för det förlorande laget.2. Coachen Julie - genialisk och taktisk med insikt om att en enda match inte utgör en full säsong. Pådrivande på ett sätt som lyfter spelare till nästa nivå. Stor empati för det förlorande laget. 3. Privatpersonen Julie - Hjärtlig, Äkta och aldrig fördömande. Storhjärtad och genuin i sin enkelhet. Familjemedlem 4-ever.❤️

Per Green
• Föredetta Sportchef Degerfors Volleyboll Orion, Sverige
One of the Best Decisions I've Made!

I can genuinely say coming to train with Julie was one of the best decisions I’ve made! Julie took her time to work with me for nearly a year where I accomplished losing 80 pounds. It started with Julie helping me design a meal plan where I could balance in between meals and have better/healthier portions. I then would go to train with her for an hour, 3 times a week at her gym. She always had pre planned modules for which workouts we would do each visit. Thank you for helping me reach the best version of myself Julie!

Preston Traynor
• Personal training client lost 80 lbs. Canada
Väldigt hög arbetsmoral

Julie är en person med väldigt hög arbetsmoral. När hon antar en utmaning eller ett åtagande så gör hon alltid det som förväntas och ännu mer. Förutom detta är Julie otroligt lojal och professionell i alla sina roller. Men inte nog med det, hon har en härlig humor och nära till skratt som också är en mycket uppskattat egenskap hos henne!

Mikaela Green
• Föredetta Ordförande för Degerfors Volleyboll Orion, Sverige
Eine wahre Bereicherung für unseren Verein

Julie kam als erste von mehreren Transferspielerinnen, um uns im Aufstiegskampf der dritthöchsten Liga Deutschlands zu unterstützen. Sie übernahm bereits nach kurzer Zeit die Verantwortung für mehrere Teams und aufgrund ihrer professionellen und vertrauensvollen Art, hat sie maßgeblich zum Erfolg unserer Jugendmannschaften beigetragen. Julie war eine wahre Bereicherung für unseren Verein und bleib von allen Transferspielerinnen am längsten bei uns… dabei entwickelten sich Freundschaften, die bis heute anhalten 😉

Michael Linke
• VC Nienburg Deutschland Vorstand
Group sessions brought to the next level

My daughters have been attending Twelve Strong since the summer of 2020. They have had individual and small group sessions as well as participating in many of her clinics. Julie’s volleyball knowledge, skill and instruction have taken both of my daughters to the next level.

Amanda Bisignano
• Mother of 18u HP Select level OVA team and 14u HP Championship level OVA team, Canada
Dedication to High Performance

"I have had the pleasure of working with Coach Julie as a fellow coach in the women's volleyball program. From the moment I began working with her, I was struck by her dedication to high performance and her ability to effectively lead and develop elite athletes. As the head coach of the Twelve Strong volleyball program, Julie has not only elevated the performance of the athletes, but has also had a profound impact on the personal and athletic development of each player. Under her guidance, the program has consistently performed at a high level. But what sets Julie apart is her dedication to the individual growth of each athlete. She fosters a positive and supportive team environment, encouraging each player to reach their full potential both on and off the court. Her commitment to developing strong, confident, and capable young athletes is evident in the success of the athletes, both on the court and in their personal and professional lives.”

Chris Jephson
• 15u Barrie Elites Frostbite Championship level OVA team, Canada

Get in touch today to book a session.

Please fill out this short form to get started with your athletic journey. If you prefer you can contact Julie below directly.

Julie speaks: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and German.
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